Ready to adopt a seamless life? Get on my calendar.

“Every creative I know was told by numerous people that they should “be realistic” and that they “probably didn’t have what it takes.






The books you’ve read and the movies you watched were made by people who didn’t listen.”


I’d add to this that…so was every 


boundary made by people taught to have none




every business created. 


It’s not a distinction I often think of. 


That I’m a rebel who didn’t listen and blazed my own rooted trails when the world told me to take the already-paved way. 


I prefer ions, thank you. 


I think of the energy it takes in a person to constantly give birth to a new crevice of life, their light facing the dark, and that I’m one of them, despite not often considering this fact.


My business supports my writing career. That’s how I look at it anyway. 


A writing career isn’t secure in any age, let alone modern age, but my Soul is most secure on the writing path, and so I walk it. 


Secure in the insecurity of what it means to put each step in front of the other and trust the earth to be soil instead of quicksand. I understand there are no guarantees.


It’s so seamless though. 


My writing career supports my business too. 


The professional world may call my writing “marketing,” but I call it…sharing. 


Not to flaunt at a street market, but heart to heart, in the chambers of my imagination to yours. 


Because I like to connect, not because I like to be seen.


My private healing practice and my writing are two wheels on the same bike that move in tandem.


I think of the rebellion one feels, who is consumed by notions of having to be “good.” 


And “good people do as they’re told,” and how out of integrity it can feel to let their creativity fly, let alone root them financially.


Like Stevie...


Stevie's a good girl. Loves her mama. Loves Jesus, and horses too. ;) You get the drift, and hopefully the Tom Petty rift. 


Stevie came to me a newly-professional art therapist about to quit her job at the gallery because she felt obligated to go get a “real job.” 


By the way….huh hum…..despite my business supporting my family for over a decade, my mother STILL tells me I need to get a “real job.” 


But I do roots, I don’t do pavements. And apparently…that’s what Stevie wanted to do too, she just didn’t see how. 


We worked together for a short time last summer. 


In that season, she settled into keeping her job at the gallery but implemented boundaries around it. 


It had to work for her if she was gonna work there, so she got clear, communicated, and received. Even after she already quit!


This wasn’t her SETTLING: this was her prospering…and the proof is in the pudding as I scroll her instagram after a comment she left me about how our time working together was so impactful for her. 


She’s got her art therapist website up; she’s got blogs; she’s doing the WHOLE thing. 


She didn't go "big," she went...HER!


I’m sure her gallery feeds her business, and vice versa. She didn’t need to choose one over the other. 


Both two wheels to one bike called…Stevie. On the ground. On the move, sustainably.


When we found roots she didn’t feel the need to run from, she was steady enough without the pressure of being “more,” to grow wings. 


It takes serious inner work to trust that the “good girl” is also the “rebel,” and that when the two integrate, there you stand, in the center of your life…






However it is you need to do this…I can help. 


And, I’d love to. 


First, we stitch up the inner world, then…the world stitches itself together on our behalf. 


Works, every time.

10 weeks, one-to-one, custom, organic Work channeled through us, for You.


Phone sessions, same time each week for 60 minutes. 




10 Session packages are $3,033. 


Can’t wait to see your life…Seamless.


More truly, I can’t wait to see your inner terrain…more of a flower field than a concrete jungle. So that when your insides and outsides touch, there is no electric shock as a result. 


Hear your light, echoing to me through the dark on our call. 


Birth to birth. 


Light to light. 

Stacy Hoch